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Author: yumin

My memory improved greatly – Sarah Lee

After hyperbaric oxygen treatment, i feel very energetic, and my face, nerves, and head no longer had a tight feeling. My memory improved greatly after the fifth to sixth therapy session. The skin on my face whitens with a rosy complexion, it also become shinier. ( 第二天睡醒却很精神,而且脸部,神经线整个头脑不会有紧崩的感觉。做了第五至第六次在记忆方面有更大的改善。脸部就很大转变就是变白,红润,更有光泽了。)...

What are the benefits of HBOT?

What are the benefits of HBOT? It has long been known that healing cannot take place without appropriate oxygen levels in the tissue. Most illnesses and injuries occur, and often linger, at the cellular or tissue level. In many cases, such as circulatory problems, reoccurring wounds...

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT)

What is HBOT Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) is a medical treatment which enhances the body's natural healing process though the absorption of concentrated oxygen in a total body chamber, where atmospheric pressure is increased and controlled. Under normal circumstances, oxygen is transported throughout the body only by...

Visit to Taiping Nursing Home Care

15 Feb 2018 - Visit to Taiping Nursing Home Care ( 2月15日,我们已到太平老人院拜访慰问,并为他们带上了一些礼物和日常用品。希望这个小小的举动能让老人们感受到人间有温情,并希望他们可以健康快乐地度过每一天。)  ...